Sunday, May 17, 2020

Online Dating And Its Effect On Society - 874 Words

Online dating in the past verses now has changed drastically in a sense that it’s users has broaden. According to Arron Smith, a publisher in Pew Research Center, in 1995 there were only 14% of adults dating online compared to today, which is nearly nine in ten people being more accepting to these dating services. Its popularity has always ranged from ages 25 to 34 years of age. However, adults stemming from 35 years and up have been taking an interest in these services as well. Many people who are opposed have a tainted perception that online dating either cannot help find true love or are for desperate individuals. Although searching for a partner online cannot always guarantee success, it is no different from meeting people offline. In this case, websites like,,, and eHarmony are all helpful and beneficial in finding that desired relationship or companionship. If you are the workaholic who brings your heavy workload home, or the single mom whose juggling work and being a parent, usually going out to mingling outlets such as bars does not come easy. Thus, online dating offers an alternative way to branch out and build new relationships. According to publisher Rebecca Lake, â€Å"around 38% of singles who are looking to date use websites or apps to meet potential mates.† In fact, the internet allows a greater amount of access to potential mates than you would most likely run into during your day to day life. Many opposed mayShow MoreRelatedEffects of Online Dating on Society 1875 Words   |  8 Pages Technology has become a huge part of everyday life in today’s society. Everywhere you look someone is using their smart phone, computer, or tablet. Technology has become a primary means of communication for most people. Why would meeting new people and dating be any different? 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