Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics and Security of Cloud Computing for PMS -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEthics and Security of Cloud Computing for PMS Software. Answer: Reference 1: Khan et al. (2012) Project management is an art that is used to manage various aspects of the project, the various aspects of the project that must be considered are pre-requirements of the project, the goals and objectives of the project, costing required for the project, timings of the project. The main objective of the Project management System (PMS) is to deliver a quality product within given stipulated time and within a specific budget and within a specific scope. A proper PMS consists of certain step. The first step includes the initiation of a process, then comes the planning and execution of the process, then comes constant controlling of the process and final closing of the process. In this way, a particular project can be executed by completing all the projects' involved processes. The PMS can be enhanced by cloud-based solutions to connect clients with the companies located in a distant location, it can also be enhanced by cloud-based solutions to collaborate different team members all over the globe. That is why a cloud-based PMS software has been developed. The PMS software has a very friendly interface, enables easy assigning of the activities, also includes addition of users, project duration settings, project testing. Cloud-based PMS helps to create a software that can integrate all the team members all over the globe located in remote places online over a single cloud platform. Thus it has the capability to enhance the productivity of the project hence the productivity of the entire company. The Cloud-based PMS also have the facility to provide SAAS solutions which users can use according to their convenience, according to their requisites. Reference 2: Hashizume et al. (2013) Cloud computing provides a profitable, pliable delivery platform to conduct business activities over the internet. All the required services for the business and the project are provided by a third party and that is where the risks pertain. It is quite difficult to maintain the security for all the services simultaneously. The cloud technology though offers various profitable services, but as the cloud technology services are in beta mode there are certain security issues associated with it. The cloud security issues are related to privacy- the data of the users are kept on the server and that server is located in another country The second issue is security-the intruders can attack the system and hack the sensitive information, the third issue is freedom-the third-party cloud vendors control the cloud storage, everyone should abide by the rules set by the cloud vendor, the fourth one is compliance- individual's computer system, hardware and software must comply with the cloud vendor 's computer architecture model, the fifth issue is cost- the organizations will have to pay heavy annually to hire the cloud platform from the cloud vendor as the cloud vendor provides the cloud platform and also with the maintain the database as well. Those issues were residing within the technology from the start but now as the demand for cloud technology is increasing day by day and as the cloud database is being used widely, the cloud platform is becoming vulnerable. The data stored in the database are all sensitive and because of the threats and the vulnerabilities, the chances of the database getting compromised are increasing. The research paper highlighted the major problems associated with both privacy and the security all associated with the cloud technology. The authors in this paper have analysed the literature review and showcase the issues the explained by the previous studies. I believe the threats and the vulnerabilities explained in this paper are all relevant in ac cordance to the project management tools. Reference 3: Almorsy, Grundy and Ibrahim (2011) Cloud computing is indeed a great platform for the cloud-based or internet-based application computing. However, the increased use of cloud technology resulting in data breaches. Thus the security and the privacy concerns are increasing day by day. The primary concern is that the cloud-related resources used are mostly provided by the third party. There can be a loss of trust between the customers and the cloud service vendors due to the Service Level agreement. However, the consumer trust can be regained via various certifications like NIST-FISMA or ISO 27000. However, these certifications do not cover the entire cloud technology model, the principles and the issues associated with it. FISMSA develop certain principles on cloud security management framework and this paper will highlight the principles. I believe that the security management framework will establish trust among the customers on the cloud service vendors. I believe that the cloud vendors will come up with advanced clo ud computing features along with enhanced security solutions with the passage of time for better customer experience. Thus in this way the union can be established between the customers and the cloud service vendors. The feedback from the customers should be taken from time to time and cloud vendors should act based on the feedbacks given for providing better customer services. Assignment 1: Part B (Abstract) Abstract: The IT services can also provide cost-effective profitable services as well as effective and agile services. The companies are now migrating to the cloud for good. The cloud technologies can provide the project managers with an overview of all the project aspects thus help them to flourish their business activities. However, there are certain risks and threats associated with cloud computing. This study focuses on the possible issues related to security and privacy of cloud computing. Some recommendations have been made to mitigate those threats. ISO 27000 has been discussed in this study but this certification does not cover all the principles of the cloud model. There are several threats and vulnerabilities that are associated with the cloud services and they are DDoS attacks which restrict the authorized users to access their system, malware attacks like Trojan Horse, Logic Bombs which steals vital information like passwords from ones computer system and database. The phishing att ack involves a fake website which resembles a genuine website, the users enter credentials to that fake website and the hackers get the password and all the necessary details. The hackers also invade through the weak insecure network to gain access to the data flow transmitted through that insecure network. The Australia Government has faced similar kinds of issues in recent times thus have decided to move their website to Drupal hosted on Amazon AWS cloud platform. The Amazon AWS is known to provide the well-secured cloud platform to the clients to carry on their business operations. Amazon AWS enables Australian government agencies to achieve and sustain compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) as well. It is hoped that the cloud management technology can be enhanced by FISMA standards and will develop a healthy relationship between the cloud vendors and the customers. Reference List Almorsy, M., Grundy, J. and Ibrahim, A.S., 2011, July. Collaboration-based cloud computing security management framework. InCloud Computing (CLOUD), 2011 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 364-371). IEEE. Almorsy, M., Grundy, J. and Mller, I., 2016. An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Apostu, A., Puican, F., Ularu, G.E.A.N.I.N.A., Suciu, G. and Todoran, G., 2013. Study on advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computingthe advantages of Telemetry Applications in the Cloud.Recent Advances in Applied Computer Science and Digital Services. New York: Wseas,200, pp.118-123. Hashizume, K., Rosado, D. 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